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Prediction of the settlement associated with construction on soft clay improved using rigid inclusions considering the installation effect
Marco Samy, Ali Abdelfattah, Ayman Fayed, Tamer Sorour and Mahmoud Elshawaf Engineering Research Express 5(1) 015071 (2023)
Effects of pozzolana addition and geogrid reinforcement of lateritic clays in the sub-Saharan zone (West Cameroon): Implications for road construction
Jean Francis Lobe Bille, Arnaud Ngo’o Ze, Vincent Laurent Onana and Georges Emmanuel Ekodeck Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 81(7) (2022)
Experimental Investigation of a Load-Transfer Material for Foundations Reinforced by Rigid Inclusions
Julian Asdrubal Buritica Garcia, Juan Félix Rodríguez Rebolledo, Danilo Vítor dos Santos Mützenberg, Bernardo Caicedo and Gilson de Farias Neves Gitirana Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 147(10) (2021)