Aims and scope

The Revue Française de Géotechnique features works related to new developments in the fields of geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering. The topics of papers focus on the integration of Mankind in its environment, from a sustainability point of view and taking into account natural and anthropic risks, and the reliability, safety and durability of civil structures. Natural ground is part of constructions, either because it supports and closely interacts with them (foundations, retaining walls, …), constitutes them (road embankments, dams, watertight barriers for waste containment, …) or contains them (underground structures, tunnels); natural ground is also used to provide resources for energy production and raw materials for the industry, and conversely for shallow or deep waste storage.

The topics of papers in geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering include:

  1. Design and durability of structures.
  2. Materials and geo-materials: mineralogy, microstructure, behavior, improvement and reinforcement, use and recycling.
  3. Geosynthetics.
  4. Fractured rock masses, geothermal energy, surface and underground storage.
  5. Site characterization, geophysics, in situ and laboratory tests, instrumentation, measurement and remote measurement, data processing.
  6. Numerical and physical modeling, scale effect.
  7. Foundations, Soil improvement, Structures (dams, underground structures, soil-interface interaction, scale effect, observational method...).
  8. Soil dynamics, cyclic loading, wind turbine and offshore foundations, etc.
  9. Biogeochemical processes (polluted sites and soils, sand cementation, CO2 storage, erosion, remediation of polluted soils...).
  10. Risk management: natural hazards (seismic, gravity, cavities, drought...), prevention and monitoring. Management and conservation of heritage.
  11. Artificial Intelligence and Big Data.
  12. Geo-engineering Education.